Hello Irene, and welcome to The Relatable Voice magazine! Can you tell us where you're from and what you like to do in your spare time?
I am originally from Italy, where I was born and where my roots are. I left Italy in 1999 to reside in the UK. There has been a lot of travel in the last 25 years, as my work expanded internationally.
Often, I visit my origins in Italy, for both work and pleasure. Lucia, It was a pleasure to meet you in the little Village of Muriaglio in Italy, where my father's family is from and where we have a family home. My husband and I go there to restore our batteries and connect with the hills and the mountains.
I do not have much spare time, however, when possible I like spending time in Nature with friends or by myself, it grounds and regenerates my body and being in a way that supports me to do the work that I do.
In the UK we live in the Chilterns, which is known as an area of natural beauty, literally. Its surrounded by many hills, water meadows, farm estates and woodlands. So, we have the blessings in our free time to enjoy these special places. We also can easily take the metro and go into London to see friends for a good old tea-time, catch a play at the theatre or explore something new in the city.
What inspired you to transition from a career in international business development to coaching and mentoring?
Somehow I feel I never really transitioned as we would think about career transition.
It's been more of an evolution of myself and my work. It started back in 2009, I was working as business development manager for publishing companies. I appreciated very much the work I was given in the commercial department and realized I had a forte in sales.
My personality together with my eagerness to expand and grow, always pushed me beyond my comfort zone. I wanted to be good at what I was doing and test my ability, to develop my skills to their potential. I put in the hard work, I travelled to distant lands to meet my clients and cultivated positive professional relationships.
In 2009 the world was under much economic pressure. The company I was working for was releasing many people. Luckily enough, my position was never at risk. Quite the contrary, the company I worked for wanted me to stay.
Although, something 'within my chest' did not feel right. I was witnessing people being let go from the organisation after many years of service in a way that was very 'strong' and for me it was showing a lack of 'humanity'.
We all completely understand that businesses need to do what they need to do to reduce costs and make sure to move forward to the best of their knowledge at different times of the economical fluctuations. However, I felt something was missing.
While the way I experienced working in business was great, I felt I needed to find something that was missing, a more humanitarian aspect of business relationships that I did not see but I envisioned. So I left.
For 6 months I lived in Peru in the Sacred Valley, where I was more in touch with Nature, The Andes and the local people of the land, both native (Queros) and non native living there.
Somehow that transition helped me embrace a more humanitarian part of myself that with time I learnt to call, The Heart.
From there I chose to study coaching. This led to the beginning of my collaboration with organisations in the USA that would help me bring my message and service to others in the world.

What do you find to be the most rewarding aspect of your work as a coach and mentor?
As I see my clients transitioning and transforming their lives with Heart, I feel content knowing I am contributing to a better world.
Knowing that their personal lives, careers, and relationships are improving is allowing me to also see my own evolution and growth in this world.
I am not the same person I was 15 years ago and if my shift can help others by all means, this is the best satisfaction in life I can have.
What qualities do you believe are crucial for someone to become a successful leader today?
For me a true leader needs to have 'humanity'. He/she needs to have the capacity to be in touch with their emotions. There is nothing wrong with emotions. Unfortunately, we are not taught much about emotional intelligence when we are young, let alone trained how to properly work with them. I believe emotions are essential to life. Not recognising emotions is like not recognising we have eyes or hands or ears.
Mastering emotions is such a major quality in life that can make us stronger and more reliable when we need to be in a position to lead others.
A true leader need to be strong and sharp in making fast decisions but at the same time it has to be capable of assessing a situation with compassion. Each one that crosses our path has their personal stories. We do not always know what that story can be. Using Heart when dealing with people is essential to develop healthy relationships and for our followers to trust us.
Another essential key value for me to hold is 'clear communication beyond fear of judgment' as a person who opens the way, pioneering in their journey through life and for others. Speaking ones truth in a kind and truthful way is powerful. People might not always like it however if done with integrity and respect it can lead to great things and transformations.
What advice would you give to someone who is just beginning their personal or professional development journey?
Be patient, be kind, be humble.
Life is a journey and each day we are here to change if we wish. It is not a marathon to get to the change immediately. Until the very last day we will have something to learn and to transform, the way we do it is key.
I believe that no matter what we do and how we do it, we must hold joy within ourselves or at least to move in a way that allows us to feel content with our decisions. Tools are always be available to support our journey. We can always tap into practices to support the mind, the emotions wellbeing and physical health and move forward, with stability and trust.

Finally, how do you stay updated on the latest techniques in HeartMath® and Imagery work to keep evolving and growing in your practice?
If anyone is interested in my work they can reach me by checking my website https://www.ireneviglia.com/.
People can always join my classes and my private sessions.
Thank you Lucia for allowing me the possibility to speak about me, my life and my work.
Please find more at: https://www.instagram.com/irenevigliaatton/.
The RV Book Fair 2024 Special.
Article published in The Relatable Voice Magazine - November 2024. Downolad the full magazine at: